NEW SERVICE LAUNCH: RNA-based Next Generation Sequencing service for solid tumours
Thursday 1st October 2020

Gene rearrangement/fusion detection in solid tumour samples will be available from 1st October 2020 via the use of RNA-based Next Generation Sequencing. This service encompasses the clinically relevant detection of NTRK1, NTRK2, NTRK3 across multiple tumour types, ALK and ROS1 gene fusion detection in lung cancers, RET fusion and EGFRvIII detection in thyroid cancer, and detection of EGFRvIII and BRAF gene fusions in glioma.
This service represents phase 2 in the NTRK service delivery plan, a change in methodology for the ALK and ROS1 lung cancer services (previously delivered by FISH), service expansion for glioma, and a new thyroid service.
The service information sheet also details this new service.
All RNA-NGS requests from 1st October should use this referral form.
NTRK Gene Fusion Testing Clinical Guidance Document