map of wales1All Wales Medical Genomics Services (AWMGS) is an NHS specialist regional health service to help and support patients in Wales who have genetic conditions, who may be at risk of developing a genetic condition or who are concerned about their family history. The clinical team consists of clinical genetics doctors, genetic counsellors, family history coordinators and administrative staff, who work closely with the All Wales Genomics Laboratory. They also work with clinical teams and specialist services from Health Boards and Trusts across Wales, including primary care, to ensure our patients receive a high quality of care and support. Clinical genetics doctors and genetic counsellors play a pivotal role in the education and training of non-specialist healthcare staff about genomics and the incorporation of genomic testing into mainstream patient care pathways.
We offer advice, information and support to people living in Wales who have questions about their health or their family history. Helping them to understand the possibility of there being a genetic disorder in their family and what this means or could mean for them and their relatives.
The diagnosis of genetic conditions can sometimes be a complex process and often involves genetic testing. The AWMGS staff support patients through the process, to help them and their wider health care team understand the implications of genetic investigations and test results. The AWMGS is part of the NHS and does not charge patients to use our services.
Increasingly in recent years, genetic testing has been used to help guide patient treatment. This is called 'Precision' or 'Personalised Medicine'. This is most commonly seen in cancer conditions, but is a rapidly growing field of medicine.

Who is referred to the AWMGS?
You or your relative might be referred to the AWMGS for a variety of reasons, including:



You may want to know about your chance of inheriting or passing on a genetic condition which is already known to be present in your family.
Couples who have lost a baby in pregnancy or early infancy and have questions about why this occurred, and about the risk of it happening again in the future.
For certain genetic conditions there are tests available during pregnancy, and some people may wish to discuss these. 
Sometimes a child with learning problems might be referred because their doctor thinks they could have a genetic condition.
You may be concerned that your family may be at a higher risk of certain diseases, such as cancer.
Patients can access appointments with the AWMGS through a referral from one of their health care professionals.
Often patients are seen in outpatient clinics, but maybe contacted before an appointment in order for us to gain more information about the family and their health problems.

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