Germline genetic testing: Requires patient consent. Where consent is required, it is the responsibility of the clinician requesting the test to obtain this and it is assumed that this has been done if a sample is sent to the laboratory.
Somatic genetic testing: Does not require documentation of consent as the primary aim of the test is to detect changes in the DNA or RNA that will inform the diagnosis, treatment and management of an individual patient’s cancer.
Most genetic testing involves ongoing storage of DNA/RNA and this should be discussed explicitly with patients.
Request form
All samples must be accompanied by a request form with the following information clearly given:
Patient’s full name
Date of birth
Hospital number and/or genetics number
Name of referring clinician and hospital (no initials please)
Date sample taken
Clinical details and test required
Relevant family history
Genetics Diagnostic Laboratory Request Form (Bloods samples)
Analyses offered external to Wales
Samples must be packaged such that patient confidentiality is maintained and leaks/contamination of courier is prevented; high risk samples, such as HIV or Hepatitis B/C, must be clearly identified. All packages must conform to current regulations on transport of biological samples.
Please be advised that white top tubes are not suitable for genetic investigations from blood and bone marrow samples. Please continue to send either Lithium heparin or EDTA tubes as appropriate
Send samples to:
Sample Reception
All Wales Genomics Laboratory
Institute of Medical Genetics
University Hospital of Wales
Heath Park
CF14 4XW
+44 (0)2921842641
Samples should arrive in the laboratory as soon as possible, ideally before 17:00 on the day of sampling. They can be refrigerated overnight if necessary but please do not freeze.
Please note that the quality of the test will be affected if the sample is collected in the wrong anticoagulant/container, exposed to extreme temperature or delayed in transit – this may cause the test to fail.
If molecular and cytogenetic tests are needed, separate EDTA and lithium heparin (LiHep) samples are required, but they can be packaged together.
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For information regarding requesting genomic testing on a cancer issue specimen, please refer to our guidance which can be found here.
We welcome receiving correspondence in Welsh, and we will respond to correspondence in Welsh, and that correspondence in Welsh will not lead to a delay.