Sian Morgan
Head of Laboratory
All Wales Medical Genomics Service
Sian Morgan
Head of Laboratory
All Wales Medical Genomics Service
General Laboratory Enquiries
Telephone: +44(0)2921844023
Fax: +44(0)2921844043
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Postal Address
All Wales Genomics Laboratory
Wales Genomic Health Centre
Cardiff Edge Business Park
Longwood Drive
CF14 7YU
Laboratory Hours: Open from 9:00 until 17:00 Monday to Friday (messages can be left on the answer machine outside of these hours).
Service Feedback
As part of our quality management system and in order to assess the needs and requirements of our customers, we welcome any feedback on our service.
To contact a member of our quality team, please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or post your feedback using the laboratory postal address above.
As a hosted service of Cardiff and Vale University Health Board, concerns or complaints about your experience with AWMGS can also be raised via the concerns department.
To find out more information, please click here.
Upon request, the Laboratory shall make its estimates of measurement uncertainty available to service users.
To download a copy of our quality policy, please click here.
Issues & Incidents
The laboratory has a documented incident management process which aims to correct identified problems and for the necessary action to be taken to prevent future incidents.
We operate an “open” culture; it is accepted best practice that the continual monitoring of incidents facilitates continual learning and service improvement.
This assures our service users that systems are fit for purpose and that professional guidelines are being followed to ensure a consistent, high-quality outcome.
Please click here for our Putting Things Right Policy.
General Advice
The head of the laboratory or the scientists are happy to give advice on scientific or technical matters and to discuss the availability of tests and the progress of individual samples with healthcare professionals only.
For counselling and clinical issues, or enquiries from patients, please contact the Clinical Genetics department on +44(0)2921842577 or access the clinical genetics pages of the website.
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